International Magazine Tests

One of the main references for consumers about tire quality and performance is the comparative tests carried out by the international specialized press¹.

Since 2002 we have monitored the results of all specialized magazines in Europe, Australia, the United States and some countries in Asia.

The performance of each manufacturer is evaluated by the number of times the brand came in first, divided by the number of participations in tests.

The result is a percentage calculated each year.

The following results are related to summer passenger tire tests, the same standard used in Americas.

1. Magazines and Bodies: evo (UK) , AutoZeitung (D), AutoBild (D), ADAC (D), ZaRulem (RU), AutoMotorSport (D), Svet Motoru (CZ), Motor (AU), Vi Bilägare (SWE), Quattroruote (I), ams (D), among others.
2. You can hide the results of certain manufacturers by clicking on their name in the graphic legend.
3. Models tested by magazines are not necessarily available for sale in Brazil.

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